Friday 5 January 2018

Hooray! 2: Smoodies (Bojack Horseman musical remix) by Cosmic Bos

Happy new sun cycle,

tis 2018 at last, Hooray! We made it.

Pat yourself on the back (if you have trouble reaching your back use a magazine or newspaper to do the actual patting).

So the first Cosmic Bos release of '18 is another Bojack Horseman musical remix, and it's about Todd Chavez because he is awesome and needs to have more songs with him in. This is kind of like a sequel song to Hooray! (which you can find on this blog way back in the heady past of 2017).

So Todd Chavez (Aaron Paul), now he is amazing, but you probably already knew that. And Paul F. Tompkins, (Mr. Peanutbutter) is also fantastic. Bojack Horseman has an amazing cast, one of the best currently voicing animation. If you couldn't tell, I'm quite a big fan.

Not much else to say here, come back soon however as there is plenty more stuff on the Bos plate to be served up (please provide your own alcohol)

Peace and infinite Hoorays,

Cosmic Bos

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