Monday 15 February 2021

Live Forever by Oasis - CB/AC - Cosmic Bos Acoustic Covers #1

So friends,

Nick and Andy have been tinkering around with some cover songs lately, keeps the skills up and reminds them how awesome other writers are, plus just good practice in general for anyone that wants to advance in the field of music.

These chaps want that, the advancing thing, they want it and may I even say, deserve it at this point. 

So here is Cosmic Bos Acoustic Covers #1 

Live Forever by Oasis

Did you enjoy that?

If so then you may be interested in other things that these fun loving fellas get up to, which is all music based, but also video and podcasting and top secret missions that can not be discussed here in open blogs where anyone (and I mean, anyone!) could be reading...who am I kidding? At this point it is barely being seen by human eyes, a handful at best, the rest of the views are probably robots scanning the text with their cold dead robot eyes looking for clues as to how humanity managed to so royally screw everything up. 

So yeah, it's all here in this handy podcast link, you should be able to find everything you are looking for here.

Or here's an embed of Cosmic Bos's most recent video effort 'Aim' ft. Anya Louisa and Ben Bluebird

It's getting a bit cold in here now so I'm going to power down and put myself on charge

Bleep Bloop

Cosmic Bos Automated Robot Shutting down...

Sunday 7 February 2021

Cosmic Bos all over your year (with fresh improv and covers galore)

 So friends,

Rubber gloves are off, it's knuckling down time, time to business like adults, no more playing in the sand pits of despair, no more swinging on the swing of moods, let's year the hell out of this thing, yeah!

Already we are in the second month of 2021, and it's been pretty much a condensed version of 2020, oh boy, just what we always wanted, more pandemic-ammonium, yum yum, that's a medicine I can happily take without a spoonful of sugar.

It's like we are all waiting for something...

Thanks Anya for acting and singing there, amazing performance. Sorry we kept you waiting so long.

Artwork by Izzy Randall
You see, we recorded the album that is Cosmic Bos Improv-Revisation Ep.17: Magic Eye Can Believe In all the way back on the 25th of July 2020, with the 3 Bos boys (Macey, Nick and Andy) and Anya Louisa and Ben Bluebird. It was originally slated to be the penultimate episode of Season 2 (2020), but due to unforeseen circumstances it was pushed back to being the first episode of Season 3. On the very next day (26/7/2020) we recorded another record (Cosmic Bos Improv-Revisation Ep.18: Virtual Normality) with Anya and Ben again. This was originally to be the very last episode of Season 2 (2020) but due to the aforementioned unforeseen circumstances it has now been relocated to the second episode of Season 3 (2021).

Best laid plans and all that, you just never know quite how things will go, so, you know you'll never really know, you know!

Sometimes you don't always get what you Aim for. Take it away Anya

Thanks again Anya, a truly awesome single there, something worth sharing with everyone you ever meet. It is available on all platforms, except train platforms as there is no direct video or musical feature to the rail industry.

If you are in need of a link to the full Anya & Ben episode, find it just below these very words, in embedded player form.

The year is set to continue, I don't think time is going anywhere other than forwards at the same speed it's been travelling for a while now. We here at Cosmic Bos have been running some complex tests, tuning some instruments, tweaking some knobs (completely un-music related activity) and have calibrated our equipment to be able to bring you Cosmic Bos Acoustic Covers (CB/AC), starting off proceedings with a little song called Live Forever by Oasis

Do you know what I mean?

If you do then please email me at and tell me what I mean.

Thanks for your precious time,

Peace and infinite love

Cosmic Bos

Monday 1 February 2021

Cosmic Bos Improv-revisation Ep.17: Magic Eye Can Believe In (ft. Anya Louisa and Ben Bluebird)

Hello lovely you,

Gosh you are amazing, how do you do it so effortlessly? I want to know your secrets, but not now, this is neither the time nor place for such wisdom, this is a blog about a podcast, the first Cosmic Bos improv revised album of 2021, featuring the outstandingly talented Anya Louisa and Ben Bluebird, without further wasting of your time with meaningless words, I present to you Cosmic Bos Improv-revisation Ep.17: Magic Eye Can Believe In (you already knew the title, it says it at the top, don't go acting like it was a revelation of any kind)

Artwork by Izzy Randall
Ep.17: Magic Eye Can Believe In


  1. Waiting
  2. Aim
  3. Wicker Bells
  4. Never Ending Summer
  5. Eyes
  6. Feral Girl
  7. It's Not Gonna Go Well
  8. Rear View Mirror
  9. Ben's Shiny Car
  10. Witching Hour
  11. Beautiful Stories
  12. Grey Clouds Came and Took the Summer Away

All music improvised by Chris Mace, Nick Jackson, Andy Jackson, Ben Bluebird and Anya Louisa

Revised and mastered by Chris Mace, Nick Jackson and Andy Jackson

The album on Spotify

Season 3 starts with a magic trick, watch as we improvise and then revise an entire album from one days jamming session. It's the same trick we have now pulled 17 times, but it's a good trick and it has a vastly different outcome every time, so, ta dah! 

Anya Louisa brings a whole new dimension to the Cosmic Bos set up, and Ben Bluebird spices up the music and vocal atmosphere just lovelily, big thanks to them both.

We tackle the big questions on everyones minds, like, is magic real? do Magicians need dating apps specially designed for their illusionist needs? How should you rub your wicker bells so as not to get blisters on your fingers? All these questions and more won't be answered in this podcast, but they might get discussed, maybe. At least you have 12 improv songs with beautiful vocals by Anya to enjoy.

Here are the two video's that accompany the episode as well, should you wish to view them, once you've finished listening to the episode of course :)



Please like, share and subscribe

All the love in the multiverse

Cosmic Bos

P.S - If you get the time, could you leave us a review on iTunes? thanks xxx