Sunday 26 November 2017

Vincent Adultman did a Business

Hi there,

I done a business, here it is (just don't look under the trench coat) - A Bojack Horseman musical remix of the one(three!) the only Vincent Adultman
I like blogging...transactions, and this blog seems like appropriate bloggness : so umm, would you like a alcohol?

As an adultman man it is umm... hard to write, so i'll keep this brief, I made this musical tribute to the great Vincent Adultman, and even if Bojack thinks he's just three boys stacked on top of each other doing that thing from the Little Rascals, he is a great adult. Princess Carolyn has done a lot worse before and since.

Side note: why don't Vincent Adultman and Diane ever interact on the show?
Is it because both characters are voiced by the awesome Alison Brie and they might sound too similar interacting? Maybe, maybe there was just no call for them to interact (even though they were in the same place often!). Or possibly they do interact and i've forgotten about it (i'll just have to rewatch the whole series again won't I)

Okay, thanks for stopping bye, all appropriate business taken care off

Like, share, subscribe, all that stuff, you know the drill.

Peace out other adults

Cosmic Bos

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