Hello friends,
Soz I've been so quiet on the old blog front, it's been a busy old time and none of that time has been put aside for blog construction. Also, none will be put aside for any blog construction over the next couple of months I'd imagine.
I am hibernating, collecting up the imagination and working on something new. Not gonna share it with you yet, it's a work in progress. I'll get back to you on that in the future.
No blog-a-day-athon this year, I can't be bothered.
Right, that's business taken care of, back to sleep.
Peace and infinite pillows
Mr Jackson
A blog that dares to blog where only some other blogs have blogged before. Cosmic Bos
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Saturday, 27 September 2014
The best of my tweets from the last few weeks (now THAT's poetry!)
Hello friends and other people I've never met,
Welcome to the lazy blog that is gonna recycle content from my twitter feed, hopefully it will make you laugh and I don't need to actually put the effort in to write a proper blog (I can't be bothered right now, I've got stuff to do). So here we go
The Mamas and the Papas at the PTA meeting #UltimateTourStopsForBands
Elbow on my elbow#UltimateTourStopsForBands
Bounty Hunter#BadJob4APessimist
The Samaritans#badjob4aPessimist
Justin Bieber's life coach#badjob4aPessimist
Porn set fluffer#badjob4aPessimist
Heart Surgeon#badjob4aPessimist
Yoga Instructor (You can't do it, just give up)#badjob4aPessimist
Lollypop Lady#badjob4aPessimist
Bomb disposal officer#badjob4aPessimist
Scratch my Itch Up#RuinAClassicSong
20th Century Buoy#RuinAClassicSong
I kissed a Gull (and I liked it, the taste of it's fishy beak thing)#RuinAClassicSong
I am the Wall Rust#RuinAClassicSong (whose idea was it to get metal walls?)
Everybody Burps#RuinAClassicSong
Glory-hole lotta love#RuinAClassicSong
A Horse with no legs#RuinAClassicSong
Logans Walk#CheaplyMadeMovies
The Nappening#CheaplyMadeMovies
The Sixth Fence#CheaplyMadeMovies
Around the Room in 80 days#CheaplyMadeMovies
The Italian Part Time Job#CheaplyMadeMovies
Cents and Cents Ability#CheaplyMadeMovies
American Typo#CheaplyMadeMovies
Return to the Library After Reading#CheaplyMadeMovies
Stair Wars : A New Carpet#CheaplyMadeMovies
Dude, Where's my shoes?#CheaplyMadeMovies
And finally
A Morgan of Free Men#CollectiveNouns
As you can tell, I do like a twitter game or two, in fact, it's the best thing to do on twitter in my humble opinion.
Thanks for visiting, you are a wonderful person
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson (Andy, [adj])
Welcome to the lazy blog that is gonna recycle content from my twitter feed, hopefully it will make you laugh and I don't need to actually put the effort in to write a proper blog (I can't be bothered right now, I've got stuff to do). So here we go
Van Morrison in a Morrisons Van #UltimateTourStopsForBands
Weezer in an Asthma Clinic #UltimateTourStopsForBands
Elbow on my elbow
Bounty Hunter
The Samaritans
Justin Bieber's life coach
Porn set fluffer
Heart Surgeon
Yoga Instructor (You can't do it, just give up)
Lollypop Lady
Bomb disposal officer
Scratch my Itch Up
20th Century Buoy
I kissed a Gull (and I liked it, the taste of it's fishy beak thing)
I am the Wall Rust
Everybody Burps
Glory-hole lotta love
A Horse with no legs
Logans Walk
The Nappening
The Sixth Fence
Around the Room in 80 days
The Italian Part Time Job
Cents and Cents Ability
American Typo
Return to the Library After Reading
Stair Wars : A New Carpet
Dude, Where's my shoes?
And finally
A Morgan of Free Men
As you can tell, I do like a twitter game or two, in fact, it's the best thing to do on twitter in my humble opinion.
Thanks for visiting, you are a wonderful person
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson (Andy, [adj])
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I write all my tweets underwater, which of course is a lie |
Saturday, 20 September 2014
Your Decision (no one can tell you what to do)
Hello friends,
So good to see you, I hope everything is going well for you, and if it isn't, then I hope it gets better starting from now. In the wake of the Scottish referendum I have been feeling thoughtful, thinking stuff, letting the old brain have a little rummage through the idea barrel, and something has come hurtling towards the forefront of the mind on a jet propelled magic carpet, and that something was Decisions.
We all make hundreds of decisions every day, every hour is full of easy to make decisions like 'Should I move my left leg because it is starting to get a bit hurty?' - possible answers: 1. Move my leg to a more comfortable position or 2. Leave my leg where it is being a bit hurty hoping it will just go away on it's own. Simple easy to make decision, we all make them all the time.
Life is also full of big decisions, these are not usually a day to day thing, the cycle of the big decision is based mainly on your direct interactions with life itself. For example, a person living in a log cabin in the middle of a forrest will have big decisions to make regarding daily survival due to a large interaction with the environment around them, while someone living in the middle of a big city will have smaller less life threatening decisions to make on a tighter scale due to heavy interaction with other people (who are all themselves making lots of decisions). If you are surrounded by friends and family and coworkers and cow workers then decisions can easily be taken from you and a tendency to become 'sheep like' occurs. A crowd makes for an easy decision.
Okay, well, I don't really know what this means, and usually when I find myself in such a pickle jar full of pickles I write a song about it to try and find some meaning. This is what I got from this particular riddle - 'Your Decision (No one can tell you what to do)'
Your ability to make your own decisions is what makes you special, and the fact that so many Scottish people voted 'Yes' to independence just goes to show how divided our society truly is, we don't have all the facts, in fact, we don't really have any of the facts, it's all a massive guess based on tiny shreds of information, so forget about it and take charge of your life, because NO ONE can tell YOU what to do, that decision is always completely up to you.
Thank you for reading my blog, you make me feel good about life and the world.
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson (Andy, [adj])
So good to see you, I hope everything is going well for you, and if it isn't, then I hope it gets better starting from now. In the wake of the Scottish referendum I have been feeling thoughtful, thinking stuff, letting the old brain have a little rummage through the idea barrel, and something has come hurtling towards the forefront of the mind on a jet propelled magic carpet, and that something was Decisions.
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Your Decision... |
We all make hundreds of decisions every day, every hour is full of easy to make decisions like 'Should I move my left leg because it is starting to get a bit hurty?' - possible answers: 1. Move my leg to a more comfortable position or 2. Leave my leg where it is being a bit hurty hoping it will just go away on it's own. Simple easy to make decision, we all make them all the time.
Life is also full of big decisions, these are not usually a day to day thing, the cycle of the big decision is based mainly on your direct interactions with life itself. For example, a person living in a log cabin in the middle of a forrest will have big decisions to make regarding daily survival due to a large interaction with the environment around them, while someone living in the middle of a big city will have smaller less life threatening decisions to make on a tighter scale due to heavy interaction with other people (who are all themselves making lots of decisions). If you are surrounded by friends and family and coworkers and cow workers then decisions can easily be taken from you and a tendency to become 'sheep like' occurs. A crowd makes for an easy decision.
Okay, well, I don't really know what this means, and usually when I find myself in such a pickle jar full of pickles I write a song about it to try and find some meaning. This is what I got from this particular riddle - 'Your Decision (No one can tell you what to do)'
Your ability to make your own decisions is what makes you special, and the fact that so many Scottish people voted 'Yes' to independence just goes to show how divided our society truly is, we don't have all the facts, in fact, we don't really have any of the facts, it's all a massive guess based on tiny shreds of information, so forget about it and take charge of your life, because NO ONE can tell YOU what to do, that decision is always completely up to you.
Thank you for reading my blog, you make me feel good about life and the world.
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson (Andy, [adj])
Sunday, 7 September 2014
A Bright Future for the Human Race - positive projections
Hello friends,
There seems to be a lot of doom and gloom thinking going on these days, I wish to redress this with a whole bunch of positive happy projecting about what the future really holds for our species, rather then adding to the big pile of failure that we have built. So, the future, yeah, great!
What is so good about the future then? - Well, firstly, it's coming, it's always coming, and it's always coming faster then it was before. I've been caught in several future bubbles that have burst into the everyday world like it had always been there. The smartphone is a good example, I knew about the smartphone years ago, hell, I even remember making jokes about how 'the phone might be smart, but it will make its users dumber with every click'. I jest of course, for today many people have smart phones, I am one of the few surviving old style mobile phones with buttons users, still not quite ready to move to touch screen technology, this makes me old enough to recognise that we are already living in the future.
Already in the future? That doesn't make any sense - It does, it makes sense, all of them words are normal everyday vocabulary friendly words that you might find on a bus stop or hovercar depot. We are already in the future in the sense that our past selves have already dreamt of what would be happening today, and now we are here living it, the future of our dreams. Sure, things don't look like they do in the movies, but that's ultimately a good thing, we are building our own interconnected societies free of the conservative demands for sameness and roots. The human species of the future has evolved above the petty disputes and wars that currently keep us no better then the humble ape with a machine gun. Monkeys shouldn't be playing with weaponry, especially not automatic weaponry. If you see a monkey with a machine gun please turn and run the opposite direction, they aren't very good shots.
Alright, enough with the monkey stuff, get on with it - Okay, let's get onto technology, and more importantly, the way technology is allowing humans to evolve. There are several ways that technology has helped humanity develop its communication and interaction skills. It might seem that this isn't the case given the way the smart phone has zombiefied people, but really it is the next step towards human technology integration. On a personal level, we all currently can access massive streams of information about any topic imaginable. It was only a few years ago that people would have to go to a library to get information, now we all have it all at our fingertips.
But is this helping us? - Yes, we are developing stronger connections to the information around us, and being allowed to explore parts of the human mind previously suppressed. The interactivity allows us to overcome self imposed barriers and the instant ability to share discoveries with the hive mind builds connections with others. The majority of us can remain completely passive in this evolution, there are already more then enough people working diligently on future technologies, and they are much closer then you think they are.
Give me something concrete, an example of what you mean - Well, Virtual Reality is the one that gets me buzzing the most. I am super excited about the possibilities with it. When I was a young boy, maybe 10 or 11, I had a go on a VR unit in London, it was very primitive, but the experience had a lasting effect on me. I was running around a Tron like world shooting blobs at other players, and it was really immersive. Given the way computer graphics have been going and the upcoming Cloud and Quantum computing, I am certain that VR tech will evolve the human race. Once we are able to program and simulate parts of our brain in virtual environments we will overcome the crippling problems of our species. Once examined, any dangerous areas of the mind can be harmonised, and dealt with. We will be able to 'grow up' aided by ourselves. VR tech will revolutionise the mental health industry, I am sure of it.
That's weird, you are weird - It might seem weird, but really it isn't. One of the never ending quests for humanity is to find a way to express our inner experiences, we all engage in this all the time. If you play sport for example, you are exchanging energy with the universe, in friendly competition, and in doing so you are harmonising parts of your mind to the world around you. The bits of information that stick to your brain and resonate with you help you to build up your information store and connect to other people for either confirmation of said information or new (possibly conflicting) information or no new information. The internet has allowed us to let chunks of information remain on the net rather then in our heads, we are being freed of the burden of memory and being allowed to explore creativity.
New technologies allow creativity to go further, the industry of music has been changed so many times by technologies that it is barely recognisable as the same industry from decade to decade, the same for all other forms of entertainment. This trend of change towards a single platform for all forms of interaction is building the hive brain. Currently there are 2,802,478,934 people around the world who can access the internet, the current world population is 7,181,858,619, which means that currently 39% of the world can get online. That's lots of voices interacting with the massive information brain we have created, and that percentage is changing everyday. In the next few years we will pass the 50% mark and then half of the planet will be online. This is an exciting time.
You haven't told me anything about cool robots and stuff - That's right, I haven't. There are plenty of places around the internet where you can find videos and blogs dedicated to them, also it's worth searching for hidden technologies and amazing advancements. The energy race ranks as the current number one issue this planet is facing. Our dependence on fossil fuels will need to end, and renewable green energy will take over, it really is only a matter of time, even the idiots in charge will eventually give in and accept the future. Solar is the way, mark my words, in the end, the sun will always win (it is a massive nuclear furnace that already powers all life on this planet, we just need to bottle up that energy). It comes round each day to remind us, and in my whole life I have never seen the sun phone in sick or go astray (sometimes clouds hide it from me though).
Should I check out this video link you've posted? - Of course you should, it is truly an enlightening video about how the world has changed over the last hundred years, as well as a look to the future for humanity. It is presented by a statistician named Prof Hans Rosling and it is a BBC programme aimed at the Open University, but don't be put off by that, it is some hard hitting and interesting facts wrapped up in a quirky Swedish professor and some awesome holographic graph technology.
Thanks, I enjoyed that. - Good, now go and watch some clips of old cartoons on youtube.
No Conclusion? - Na, I'll write it in the future
Peace and infinite love
Andy Jackson
You can listen to some of my music I make if you like, the player is right here :)
There seems to be a lot of doom and gloom thinking going on these days, I wish to redress this with a whole bunch of positive happy projecting about what the future really holds for our species, rather then adding to the big pile of failure that we have built. So, the future, yeah, great!
What is so good about the future then? - Well, firstly, it's coming, it's always coming, and it's always coming faster then it was before. I've been caught in several future bubbles that have burst into the everyday world like it had always been there. The smartphone is a good example, I knew about the smartphone years ago, hell, I even remember making jokes about how 'the phone might be smart, but it will make its users dumber with every click'. I jest of course, for today many people have smart phones, I am one of the few surviving old style mobile phones with buttons users, still not quite ready to move to touch screen technology, this makes me old enough to recognise that we are already living in the future.
Already in the future? That doesn't make any sense - It does, it makes sense, all of them words are normal everyday vocabulary friendly words that you might find on a bus stop or hovercar depot. We are already in the future in the sense that our past selves have already dreamt of what would be happening today, and now we are here living it, the future of our dreams. Sure, things don't look like they do in the movies, but that's ultimately a good thing, we are building our own interconnected societies free of the conservative demands for sameness and roots. The human species of the future has evolved above the petty disputes and wars that currently keep us no better then the humble ape with a machine gun. Monkeys shouldn't be playing with weaponry, especially not automatic weaponry. If you see a monkey with a machine gun please turn and run the opposite direction, they aren't very good shots.
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You better not be that 'bloke' that stole my Bananas... |
Alright, enough with the monkey stuff, get on with it - Okay, let's get onto technology, and more importantly, the way technology is allowing humans to evolve. There are several ways that technology has helped humanity develop its communication and interaction skills. It might seem that this isn't the case given the way the smart phone has zombiefied people, but really it is the next step towards human technology integration. On a personal level, we all currently can access massive streams of information about any topic imaginable. It was only a few years ago that people would have to go to a library to get information, now we all have it all at our fingertips.
But is this helping us? - Yes, we are developing stronger connections to the information around us, and being allowed to explore parts of the human mind previously suppressed. The interactivity allows us to overcome self imposed barriers and the instant ability to share discoveries with the hive mind builds connections with others. The majority of us can remain completely passive in this evolution, there are already more then enough people working diligently on future technologies, and they are much closer then you think they are.
Give me something concrete, an example of what you mean - Well, Virtual Reality is the one that gets me buzzing the most. I am super excited about the possibilities with it. When I was a young boy, maybe 10 or 11, I had a go on a VR unit in London, it was very primitive, but the experience had a lasting effect on me. I was running around a Tron like world shooting blobs at other players, and it was really immersive. Given the way computer graphics have been going and the upcoming Cloud and Quantum computing, I am certain that VR tech will evolve the human race. Once we are able to program and simulate parts of our brain in virtual environments we will overcome the crippling problems of our species. Once examined, any dangerous areas of the mind can be harmonised, and dealt with. We will be able to 'grow up' aided by ourselves. VR tech will revolutionise the mental health industry, I am sure of it.
That's weird, you are weird - It might seem weird, but really it isn't. One of the never ending quests for humanity is to find a way to express our inner experiences, we all engage in this all the time. If you play sport for example, you are exchanging energy with the universe, in friendly competition, and in doing so you are harmonising parts of your mind to the world around you. The bits of information that stick to your brain and resonate with you help you to build up your information store and connect to other people for either confirmation of said information or new (possibly conflicting) information or no new information. The internet has allowed us to let chunks of information remain on the net rather then in our heads, we are being freed of the burden of memory and being allowed to explore creativity.
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The future in the palm of your photoshop |
You haven't told me anything about cool robots and stuff - That's right, I haven't. There are plenty of places around the internet where you can find videos and blogs dedicated to them, also it's worth searching for hidden technologies and amazing advancements. The energy race ranks as the current number one issue this planet is facing. Our dependence on fossil fuels will need to end, and renewable green energy will take over, it really is only a matter of time, even the idiots in charge will eventually give in and accept the future. Solar is the way, mark my words, in the end, the sun will always win (it is a massive nuclear furnace that already powers all life on this planet, we just need to bottle up that energy). It comes round each day to remind us, and in my whole life I have never seen the sun phone in sick or go astray (sometimes clouds hide it from me though).
Should I check out this video link you've posted? - Of course you should, it is truly an enlightening video about how the world has changed over the last hundred years, as well as a look to the future for humanity. It is presented by a statistician named Prof Hans Rosling and it is a BBC programme aimed at the Open University, but don't be put off by that, it is some hard hitting and interesting facts wrapped up in a quirky Swedish professor and some awesome holographic graph technology.
Thanks, I enjoyed that. - Good, now go and watch some clips of old cartoons on youtube.
No Conclusion? - Na, I'll write it in the future
Peace and infinite love
Andy Jackson
You can listen to some of my music I make if you like, the player is right here :)
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Where's the Time? - (new song about time and where it might be going)
Hello friends,
First off, thank you for being amazing and taking the time to read my little old blog, you inspire me and everyone around you with your radiant awesomeness, please keep existing.
Now, on with it.
Time. It's a funny old thing, just a little 4 letter word used to describe the indescribable. What happens to time? Where is the time? It has me stumped that's for sure, so I wrote a song about it to see if I could get some answers from the great creative streams in the sky. Here it is, 'Where's the Time?'
This track is actually track 5 from my new record. The first 4 songs are up there too, in fact, it's all currently in reverse order. Why have I decided to do this when there are artists starving in other countries? Well, to that I say pish and posh, I can do what I like, it's my music and i'll release it in confusing ways if I want to. For anyone keeping score (which I imagine is 'no one') the track listing looks like this.
Mr Jackson 'Tea in Paradise'
1. Otherwise
2. Take it Easier
3. Tea in Paradise
4. Love Defined
5. Where's the Time?
And the tracks that are still to be released like
vermin from an underground science lab are:
6. Your Decision
7. Pea in Taradise
8. Fish Gotta Dream
They will come out in the next three weeks. Horray!
I might put the record up on itunes, I still haven't decided.
I hope you enjoyed my little time song, if you did bother to listen to it. Remember, the Time Gnomes are real and the jam they make is ever so tasty.
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson ( [adj] )
First off, thank you for being amazing and taking the time to read my little old blog, you inspire me and everyone around you with your radiant awesomeness, please keep existing.
Now, on with it.
Time. It's a funny old thing, just a little 4 letter word used to describe the indescribable. What happens to time? Where is the time? It has me stumped that's for sure, so I wrote a song about it to see if I could get some answers from the great creative streams in the sky. Here it is, 'Where's the Time?'
This track is actually track 5 from my new record. The first 4 songs are up there too, in fact, it's all currently in reverse order. Why have I decided to do this when there are artists starving in other countries? Well, to that I say pish and posh, I can do what I like, it's my music and i'll release it in confusing ways if I want to. For anyone keeping score (which I imagine is 'no one') the track listing looks like this.
Tea in Paradise |
1. Otherwise
2. Take it Easier
3. Tea in Paradise
4. Love Defined
5. Where's the Time?
And the tracks that are still to be released like
vermin from an underground science lab are:
6. Your Decision
7. Pea in Taradise
8. Fish Gotta Dream
They will come out in the next three weeks. Horray!
I might put the record up on itunes, I still haven't decided.
I hope you enjoyed my little time song, if you did bother to listen to it. Remember, the Time Gnomes are real and the jam they make is ever so tasty.
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson ( [adj] )
View from our window |
Monday, 25 August 2014
'Love Defined' - Mr Jackson (Tea In Paradise)
Hello friends,
I present to you a sing-a-long. Below is my reverbnation player containing many of my non-hit songs. Many of them have never been hits, in fact, all of them have never been hits. So it's like a Greatest Song List (of which non have been hits) of my material. Who am I? Now that is a very good question, one which I can't answer without my attorney present and I don't even have an attorney.
Moving on...
Love Defined - By Andy Jackson
Love seemed complex to me,
So I looked it up in a dictionary,
The words defined it rather vaguely,
It said 'love's a doing word'
'it's both a noun and a verb',
'and it happens when it chooses to'
And for me that's you,
It's you that leaves me blind,
It's you that blows my mind,
Coz you are love defined,
They say that love is cheap,
it flees the strong and tames the weak,
It's the only port in bitter storms,
They say that love is true,
And love should never limit you,
It's the freedom to love it through and through,
And for me that's you,
It's you that leaves me blind,
The first big non hit on my list. my little song about love. It's a love song, which are pretty common these days, still. Love is such a hard thing to define, I thought who better to have a go at it then me?
Many people sprung to mind, but I don't know any of those people personally and any that I do know personally I didn't want to cut into their busy days of self loving to help me define love. So I went at it alone, braving the harsh word filled environments of my mind, battling against countless spelling mistakes and poor grammar choices, to emerge victorious with a little song.
I hope you liked it, and if you didn't even bother to press play, then shame on you, you are what is wrong with the world today and when judgement day comes and the holy spirit rolls out your list of internet likes to be perused and scrutinised, the lack of a page like for poor little old Mr Jackson https://www.facebook.com/mrjacksonmusic will not stand you in good favour with the Princess of Darkness and her army of gangly minions.
Okay I take that back, it's fine for you not to like my page, you can do what you want, it's your life after all. My next blog is going to get back on Tea in Paradise and have some thoughts on the future of the human race. Stay tuned for that one, coming soon to this blog. Now get on with your homework.
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson (Andy [adj]) xx
I present to you a sing-a-long. Below is my reverbnation player containing many of my non-hit songs. Many of them have never been hits, in fact, all of them have never been hits. So it's like a Greatest Song List (of which non have been hits) of my material. Who am I? Now that is a very good question, one which I can't answer without my attorney present and I don't even have an attorney.
Moving on...
Love Defined - By Andy Jackson
Love seemed complex to me,
So I looked it up in a dictionary,
The words defined it rather vaguely,
It said 'love's a doing word'
'it's both a noun and a verb',
'and it happens when it chooses to'
And for me that's you,
It's you that leaves me blind,
It's you that blows my mind,
Coz you are love defined,
Love for each other and a bit of sea camouflage |
it flees the strong and tames the weak,
It's the only port in bitter storms,
They say that love is true,
And love should never limit you,
It's the freedom to love it through and through,
And for me that's you,
It's you that leaves me blind,
It's you that blows my mind,
Coz you are love defined,
You are love defined
If I'd never met you, I would never have known love,
If I'd never net you, I would never have known,
It's you that leaves me blind,
It's you that blows my mind,
It's you and I combined,
As the stars realign,
You are love defined,
You are love defined,
You are love defined,
You are love defined
The first big non hit on my list. my little song about love. It's a love song, which are pretty common these days, still. Love is such a hard thing to define, I thought who better to have a go at it then me?
Pastel sky |
I hope you liked it, and if you didn't even bother to press play, then shame on you, you are what is wrong with the world today and when judgement day comes and the holy spirit rolls out your list of internet likes to be perused and scrutinised, the lack of a page like for poor little old Mr Jackson https://www.facebook.com/mrjacksonmusic will not stand you in good favour with the Princess of Darkness and her army of gangly minions.
Okay I take that back, it's fine for you not to like my page, you can do what you want, it's your life after all. My next blog is going to get back on Tea in Paradise and have some thoughts on the future of the human race. Stay tuned for that one, coming soon to this blog. Now get on with your homework.
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson (Andy [adj]) xx
Saturday, 16 August 2014
'Tea in Paradise' - the naked song
Hello friends,
The next part of the #TeaInParadise mega blog thing will come tomorrow, in the meantime, as it is such a beautiful day, I decided to put the song 'Tea In Paradise' out a day before the accompanying video and blog.
Have a listen you lovely specimen of humanity you ;)
You are amazing you are, and Paradise works when it's with you, so thanks for being brilliant.
This song has no guitar in it, and the whole structure is based around some random organ improvisation I did for fun one afternoon. Huge thanks to the awesome Donny Stax and Truth for helping me put this record together, they got the skills.
So video tomoz, and the next part of the mega-blog.
Until then,
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson xx
The next part of the #TeaInParadise mega blog thing will come tomorrow, in the meantime, as it is such a beautiful day, I decided to put the song 'Tea In Paradise' out a day before the accompanying video and blog.
Have a listen you lovely specimen of humanity you ;)
You are amazing you are, and Paradise works when it's with you, so thanks for being brilliant.
This song has no guitar in it, and the whole structure is based around some random organ improvisation I did for fun one afternoon. Huge thanks to the awesome Donny Stax and Truth for helping me put this record together, they got the skills.
So video tomoz, and the next part of the mega-blog.
Until then,
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson xx
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Note from the holiday (Summer 2014 #TeaInParadise)
Hello friends,
My holiday has come to an end, back to work for Abi and I. Oh well, it was a bloody lovely time doing all the lazy things we both love doing. Cheers to time spent doing what you want.
That time is over again now though, back to it, break done. Not to fear though, there is still 6 more parts of 'Tea In Paradise' to come out, and they will come out weekly (hopefully) across the rest of the summer until all are interneted. Coming up this weekend will be the song 'Tea In Paradise'. The whole project is named after this very song, the only difference being that no hashtag was used in the song name, only in the project name. ahem. So, I won't tell you more about that, because it will be out soon and you can see it for yourself.
In the meantime, here are a few photo's from my holiday at home with my beautiful Abi.
Also, I'm number 1 in the singer/songwriter charts on reverbnation (bit of a touch), thanks to all the amazing people that support me, you guys are the best in the world, thank you thank you thank you.
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson (Andy)
My holiday has come to an end, back to work for Abi and I. Oh well, it was a bloody lovely time doing all the lazy things we both love doing. Cheers to time spent doing what you want.
That time is over again now though, back to it, break done. Not to fear though, there is still 6 more parts of 'Tea In Paradise' to come out, and they will come out weekly (hopefully) across the rest of the summer until all are interneted. Coming up this weekend will be the song 'Tea In Paradise'. The whole project is named after this very song, the only difference being that no hashtag was used in the song name, only in the project name. ahem. So, I won't tell you more about that, because it will be out soon and you can see it for yourself.
In the meantime, here are a few photo's from my holiday at home with my beautiful Abi.
The chalk stone dragon face of the South Coast (last seen heading to France) |
Sunset over the downs |
Wind kite surfer people out on the water doing their wind surfing with a kite thing |
The mysterious stone circle that I made on the beach (it's mysterious because the next morning when the tide went back out, the circle was gone!!!!) |
The chalk stone spiral to another dimension (£25 admission) |
Gus having a little fish (he also only caught a couple of little fish) |
Also, I'm number 1 in the singer/songwriter charts on reverbnation (bit of a touch), thanks to all the amazing people that support me, you guys are the best in the world, thank you thank you thank you.
Peace and infinite love
Mr Jackson (Andy)
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