Friday 7 April 2023

New Monthly Music Challenge 1.3 Ignorance EP by Cosmic Bos OUT NOW #BandcampFriday

 Hello friends,

It's been a busy time around the Cosmic Bos parts, so apologies for having not blogged much, it's a full time job just keeping up with all the musical shenanigans behind the scenes. Best place for regular updates from us would be YouTube. Anyway, here's our EP for Bandcamp Friday, MMC 1.3 - Ignorance

If you buy it today we get all the money, Bandcamp waver their fees for this special day, so please consider supporting us if you enjoy what we do, it really is a labour of love for us.

We put together a little YouTube short that gives you a little snippet of all 5 songs from the EP, and also a handy link to our youtube channel Cosmic Bos YouTube Link

MMC 1.3 - Ignorance EP has been a fun one to put together, Nick and I (Andy) set ourselves an extra task with our Monthly tune of making something that didn't have a chorus, and our song 'Idiots' did just that, as well as giving us the chance to split vocal duties and have a section each, with me leading the first half and Nick leading the second part, also the inclusion of my Beavis and Butthead impression just because why not hey!

The other 4 songs were all made for the Music Weeklies hashtags of March

Down for the Upside was for the #UpsideDown challenge - I wanted to write something that switched things up a bit and bought some positive uplift, and well, this some came out of it.

Gods and Goddesses of Olympus was for the #GodsOfOlympus challenge, and it's pretty self explanatory what I did here, initially I was only going to write about Hermes and Aphrodite giving birth to Hermaphroditus, but the more research I did the more it started to feel like epic film versions of reality TV, so it ultimately ended up as a run down of the main players.

Reflections of our Inescapable Humanity (No soup for you) was for the #MW200thTheme challenge, where we were allowed to pick from any of the 199 other hashtags previously run by them, I initially went with #Humanity but as the song progressed it became much more of a #SitcomTheme song about Seinfeld and how much I love that show.

Finally, Ivory and Ebony was for the #PianoSolo challenge, not being a pianist I had to think outside the box with this one, and went for a song about how the piano is a good metaphor for racial harmony and equality, music sees no skin colour.

We will make another lyric video to go with Idiots, to match our Nude Beginnings and Make Good Our Escape efforts, that will be with you soon too. In the meantime, you can see all the weekly produced vids that go with the above songs right here in this handy playlist

New Monthly Music Challenge episode out on Sunday, jam packed with juicy new music for you

Check out the previous episode if you have a spare couple of hours

Peace and infinite love

Cosmic Bos

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