Tuesday 29 November 2022

NUN in a KAYAK - Cosmic Bos (Official Lyric video) - A Palindrome song

 Hello friends,

https://linktr.ee/cosmicbos - check out our link tree for all your Cosmic Bos needs. 

You are here for the Nun though right? Well here you go.

NUN in a KAYAK - From Cosmic Bos Virtual Normality 2 EP

Findable on Bandcamp right here right now

Nun in a Kayak was originally written for the Music Weeklies hashtag challenge on Twitter, for the hashtag Palinloop, or Palindrome. The song is full of Palindromes, it hasn't got all of the ones in existence, because I couldn't work out how to get a Racecar into the story without ruining the calm imagery of a Nun in a Kayak.

The central song on our new EP, and one we did live at our annual gig (but the video isn't quite up to scratch so you won't get to see it), it will get another airing later this year on Bos Live #2 (2022) - oh yeah, SPOILER ALERT! We are doing another Live album. (in fact, it's already recorded, just needs some Nick tweaking magic) which we are planning to drop on Christmas Day (25th of December for any non-Crizzies). 

We also have our Best of Season 4, which, Spoiler Alert, contains this Nun and Kayak based song, we considered it one of the best of the year. That will be with you even sooner than the aforementioned Spoiled Live album, around the 10th of December we recon. Just got some eyes to dot and some teas to cross. It has been a great year, and we look forward to staring up our own bumholes and talking about how amazing we are, but also all the actual amazing people we got to work with this year. Spoiler Alert! it's been the best year of Bos yet.

So, that's where we's at. A couple more videos to come before the year is done, until then, let's have some cake, or wine, or both, or neither, whatever you want, have it.

If you like your videos Tubed up for you, then here is the handy Bos embedded YouTube link 

Please like, share and subscribe to us

Peace and infinite wine

Cosmic Bos

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