Monday 4 May 2020

Cosmic Dosh! - Send us all your money :D (and part 6 of the documentary)

Hellooooo, Jethro here.

I've taken over Andy's blog for the time being, since he's busy doing music things and I am just sitting around eating all the honey, and currently that's not a problem, because bees count as key workers right? I'm sure they do, Key Bee Workers around the world are still busy making that sweet sweet honey. Hooray.

So anyway, I'm actually meant to be introducing the GoFundMe page that I've set up so you can send me all your money. And here it is!

Cosmic Bos GO FUND ME link

It said I could embed it, but it didn't work, so you'll have to just click the link I'm afraid. Sorry about that, it's hard to work all this modern human technology with my small monkey hands, so you'll have to forgive me.

Anyway, all your money can be sent to me finally, just as you've always wanted to do. I promise it will be spent wisely, I know a thing or two about spending money, I've been doing it for years, years and years, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that I have managed to spend ALL the money that I have had, I've even managed to spend some other monkeys money. Now let me show you how good I can be at spending your money.

Right, well with all that monkey business out the way, time to move on to the special presentation of this blog, the real reason you might be here, here for the pleasure of your eyes and ears (and any other sense that responds to documentary footage of a bunch of idiots), I present to you Cosmic Bos Making it Up as We Go Along Part 6: Recording the Podcast.

So yep, it's a podcast, starring ME (Jethro) and to a lesser extent Jeffrey and Nick. Except the last episode, episode 12, that was hosted by Treeman, it was a Treeman takeover, because of these lockdown times. we were not able to get together and record our classic banter about nothing in particular. Hopefully this Corona business will conclude soon and we can get back to doing it together again, but until then, we will make do won't we? What else can we do?
Oh yeah, send us all your money, that's what you could do... I'll just leave that honey link here again, just in case you missed it above...


Thanks for your eyes, love you

P.S - Here's Passe Patterns for you, direct from the podcast feed. Hooray!

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