Monday 10 February 2020

Keep the Focus - A Cosmic Blog

So friends,

Focus has been getting a little airplay, thanks to Mr. Pete Jones and his excellent show, as well as the charming gentlemen over at New Music Saturdays. This warms the cockles of my heart (I'm not entirely sure my heart should have cockles? What even are cockles? - answers on a postcard please, it's the only way I retain information), and the wonderful people of facebook have been going bananas over the video for it (I will not define 'bananas' within this concept), so much so I've embedded it below so you can see all the views it's had (please, don't check our youtube, the people of that video cesspool don't want to watch our musical antics)

See, loads of views, not a Bieberful amount, but respectable for an improv band of podcasting wizards such as ourselves (Cosmic Bos, that's who we are). Check our facebook page, it's pretty good (so says the bloke the claims to maintain it).

Episode 10: Multiverse, Chorus, Repeat has been available to everyone for a fistful of days now, on the Spotify and the iTunes and the insert link here tubes, what do you recon? Any good?
Constructive criticism in the comments section please, all negative observations please use the postcard.

Cosmic Bos Improv-Revisation podcast on iTunes?! WoW! What a link!

Cosmic Bos Improv-Revisation podcast also on Spotify?! Surely not? Another Cracking link!

We are busy working away on ep 11 (Coming 1st March), which features the wonderful beats of Quiet Pill Collective, and it is sounding lush so far (what I've heard anyway, which granted isn't much, but it's something, and I shall be sticking to my use of the word lush). It also contains a new trilogy of songs about Maja the tiny Swedish woman with perfect hair.

But first, we will kick off the Maja saga with Second Step, the next film in our tiny sprawling toy universe saga. Coming soon (like, real soon, next weekend soon). Until then though, why not watch this video we made way back in episode 8, it's a pretty good one.

If you have any spare pennies you fancy throwing our way to help support our efforts, then we have a Patreon page

Become a Patron!

Thanks for being awesome, see you soon

Cosmic Bos x

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